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About the Xmitter
The Xmitter LED Light Bar was the original Vision X LED Bar. The Xmitter has been tested and proven by the best, including the US Border Patrol and NASA. The Xmitter is the best LED bar for applications where the most light is needed without all the frills, such as off-roading, commercial, and recreational use
Infrared Models
Infrared LED’s enhance night vision capabilities for military personnel, and for infrared vehicle lighting, security lighting applications, and other covert general area infrared lighting. Vision X infrared lighting has been trusted by only the best like the U.S. Border Patrol, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. Military.
The IR850 is slightly detectable to the naked eye with a reddish glow when the LED’s are activated. The LED only emits a red light one to two inches. The IR850 holds the advantage of illuminating brighter than the IR940. If night vision illumination is your top priority then the IR850 LED will be the best available option.
The IR940 is virtually invisible to the human eye while activated with a very faint purplish glow. The IR940 LED emits virtually no light. The IR940 is the ultimate infrared LED light when stealth is of the utmost importance. Application is the deciding factor in which IR light you chose, and which is more important, stealth or illumination.
This is a Special Product Please Contact Us To Purchase
Call: 888-489-9820
Email: info@visionxusa.com
Category : Xmitter Series
Warranty : Extended