
Episode 1 from HumveeLife’s trip to Moab, UT in 2016. HumveeLife arrives in Moab, but not after having a long drive from Houston with a trailer that had wiring and tire issues all day. After meeting up with some of the best crew around, Eric, Mark and Josh decided to take their trucks to Potato Salad Hill.

You’ll find some of these Humvee’s featuring our 7″ VX Series LED Headlights and Xmitter Prime Xtreme LED Light Bars.


This season on Moab 2016: Potato Salad Hill, Moab Rim, Hell’s Revenge, Golden Spike, Metal Masher.

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Special thanks to our outstanding sponsors:
Mod Mafia – http://modmafia.com/
Spartan Offroad – http://spartanoffroad.net/
Vision X – https://www.visionxusa.com/
Leroy Diesel – http://leroydiesel.com/
Seven Fabrication – http://www.sevenfab.com/